Planting the Peonies
The planting of peony roots can be done manually or mechanically. We have chosen to plant our peonies manually because the currently available machinery still needs improvement to deal well with the difficult shaped peony roots.
Before planting the peonies, the soil needs to be prepared well. This is a crucial element in the peony growing process. First the soil where the roots is grown needs to be properly flattened and drained in order to prevent potential water damage (from heavy rain).
After having cultivated the land properly (with a milling- or spade-machine) the roots are to be planted at a depth of 2 – 3 cm. This depth is very decisive because if the roots are planted too deep, the production of flowers will diminish or even completely vanish. The distance between the cuttings depends on the variety. Some varieties need more or less space than others. Furthermore, the time-period that roots will remain on a particular spot has to be taken into consideration as well.